Giving Local Is What We Do
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Giving Local Is What We Do
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January 2023
Kinderhaus Outdoor Preschool funding for tuition assistance program, Kindergrant $2,700.00
Burr Oak Cemetery Association outdoor cemetery directory at entrance gate $3,000.00
Aase Haugen Senior Services purchase slings for use with the new Smart Lift Hoyer $5,000.00
Our Lady of Seven Dolors Parish new HVAC unit $3,500.00
Oneota Film Festival the purchase of audio equipment $1,000.00
Kickin' It Forward Help Winneshiek Co Families with Medical Expenses $3,000.00
January Total: $18,200.00
February 2023
Decorah Community Food Pantry Farmer's Market Coupon Program $3,000.00
Barthell OES Home purchase bariatric bed $4,000.00
NE Iowa RSVP National Convening for Americorps $2,200.00
February Total: $9,200.00
March 2023
St Wenceslaus Holy Name repair gym floor $3,000.00
Decorah Lutheran Church install commercial coffee maker $2,455.00
City of Ossian expansion of the Veteran's Memorial $5,000.00
Ossian Senior Hospice Want List including new phone systems and equipment $5,000.00
Humane Society of NE Iowa updates and safe entry / exit doors for the dog yards $2,000.00 March Total: $17,455.00
April 2023
Seed Savers Exchange Trail Wayfinding Signage project $3,000.00
Ossian Fire Department purchase 2 AED units for fire trucks $2,000.00
City of Fort Atkinson Memorial Park Tree Restoration project $3,000.00
Stavanger Lutheran Church repair of stained glass windows $5,000.00
Turkey Valley Community Schools purchase fertilizer injectors and planting benches for Farm to School Program greenhouse $5,000.00
Nisse Preschool & Kid's Place purchase washer, dryer and dishwasher $2,000.00
April Total: $20,000.00
May 2023
Greater Area Pantry the purchase of school supplies and paper/feminine products $3,000.00
South Winneshiek CSD the purchase of a new scoreboard for Elementary/Middle School $5,950.00
New Minowa Players the purchase of headsets for backstage crew $735.00
St Aloysius Rosary Society the purchase of new furniture for the rectory $2,500.00
VFW Post 1977 the purchase of new AC/Heating unit $3,000.00
American Legion Auxiliary (Winn Co) taxi fare for veterans going to the CBOC $1,000.00 May Total: $16,185.00
June 2023
Spillville Legion Post 467 purchase of fabric for quilts to honor veterans $2,000.00
Luren Singing Society purchase uniform polo shirts $2,675.78
Decorah Farmers Market purchase wireless router and data plan for card processing $2,000.00
Toys Go 'Round purchase shelving, floor mats, puzzle bags and riding toys $2,500.00
Saint Teresa of Calcutta Schools installation of acoustical panels in gym and cafeteria $3,000.00
Decorah Elks Charitable Foundation sponsoring Norman Borlaug Foundation's Inspire Day food packaging event for Winneshiek County students $2,500.00
June Total: $14,675.78
July 2023
Nordic Dancers fabric for new uniforms $3,000.00
Turkey River Cultural Center renovation of public restrooms in the Center $3,000.00
St Benedict School help with fees and costs of sending students to National History Day $2,000.00
Hesper Public Cemetery repair of monuments $2,520.00
Decorah Chorale for the purchase of new sheet music $2,500.00
July Total: $13,020.00
August 2023
Calmar Senior Club painting the entry and replacing a toilet in the senior center $1,300.00
Springfield Lutheran Church new pipe, pump and wiring for well $3,200.00
Winneshiek County Celebration of Life fuel and food cards for individuals in active cancer treatment $3,500.00
ArtHaus Sportsman software, implementation and license costs $2,000.00
Granny Basketball League sponsor Granny Basketball Tournament $1,500.00
St Francis DeSales Catholic Church replace church entry doors $4,000.00
August Total: $15,500.00
September 2023
Winn Med Foundation purchase dish dollies for kitchen remodel $2,100.00
Helping Services for Youth & Families replace phone systems $4,345.00
Madison Lutheran Church purchase new piano $3,000.00
Hauge Lutheran Church repair and remodel kitchen $5,000.00
Russell Cemetery Association new kiosk for visitor information $2,200.00
Big Canoe Lutheran Church brickwork repairs $5,000.00
September Total: $21,645.00
October 2023
Northern Lights Women's Chorus purchase new music and provide scholarships for annual dues $2,000.00
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church outdoor seating and tables for solar pergola $3,000.00
Catholic Daughters of the Americas fabric and batting for comfort quilts and bucket hats $3,500.00
Bily Clocks Museum & Antonin Dvorak Exhibit new HVAC system $3,000.00
Burr Oak United Methodist fill and sealcoat driveway $2,000.00
Winneshiek County Historic Preservation Commission commission to hire historical consultant to conduct survey of barns $2,000.00
October Total: $15,500.00
November 2023
Ossian Lutheran Church electronic keyboard for services $4,000.00
Decorah Quilts of Valor purchase supplies to make quilts for Winneshiek Co veterans $2,500.00
Calmar Lutheran Church registration fees for individuals attending National Youth Gathering $2,625.00
NICC Foundation table and chairs for Turkey Valley Iowa BIG North program $2,015.00
Senior Citizens Hospitality Center replace fire safety door $4,200.00
St Johns Lutheran Church repair of interior bell tower and entryway $5,000.00
November Total: $20,340.00
December 2023
Peace Lutheran Church replace the front glass double doors $3,000.00
Highland Lutheran Church replace exterior basement doors $2,000.00
Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum tuition discounts for Winneshiek residents $3,000.00
Winneshiek County Emergency Mgmt Mental Health for Emergency Responders Conference $4,000.00
Oneota Valley Community Orchestra music sheet rental and printing expenses $2,050.00
Total Community Grants 2023: $198,440.10
Other Funding Issued in 2023:
Bingo $3,200.00
Post Proms $750.00
DOLR Program $9,335.00
Vouchers $1,925.00
Other $7,860.00
Total Funding 2023: $221,510.10
When you donate unwanted clothing and goods to the Depot Outlet thrift store, you're not just decluttering your home - you're also supporting a great cause. All profits from our sales of your gently used donations go towards grants and funding programs that benefit our local Winneshiek County community.
Depot Outlet
510 Montgomery St, Decorah, Iowa 52101